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“Healing the planet through agriculture”

“There's a growing swell of interest in foods grown biodynamically among consumers who view it as organic 2.0 and are seeking out foods grown this way as a healthier, more sustainable choice.”
Specialty Food Magazine “Biodynamics 101” March 2010

Holistic Roasters

Biodynamic | Importer | Organic Beverages | Organic Food Processor and Vendor | Retail/Wholesale

1831 West Oak Pkwy
Marietta, GA 30062, United States
Phone: +1-514-296-0883
Public Contact: Gregory Kalinin

About Us

Holistic Roasters Inc. is a roaster and distributor of direct-trade, specialty coffees from family-run Biodynamic farms and cooperatives. All of Holistic Roasters� Biodynamic Coffee is grown without the use of herbicides, fungicides, pesticides or chemical fertilizers and is amongst the cleanest and healthiest coffees available and is packaged using 100% compostable materials. We believe that great coffee comes from healthy soil.

Certified Products

Processed Product

  • Coffee and instant beverages


  • Coffee